Posts by Honour The Maunga
The truth about the TMA's plantings at Ōtāhuhu Mt Richmond

Tūpuna Maunga Authority tries to justify its tree felling intentions by saying they're planting thousands of natives at each maunga. There has only been a little bit of new planting at Ōwairaka Mt Albert since we wrote our planting analysis blog for that maunga in late 2021, so we analysed recent Ōtāhuhu Mt Richmond plantings instead. The result was underwhelming.

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Honour The Maunga
LETTER TO TŪPUNA MAUNGA AUTHORITY AND AUCKLAND COUNCIL: Extensive maunga slip damage lays bare the risks of mass-felling trees

Honour the Maunga ‘s letter to Tūpuna Maunga Authority and Auckland Council calls for plans to rid Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland’s maunga of around 2500 exotic trees to be shelved permanently. Recent severe slip damage suffered on several maunga demonstrate the public risk - and potential legal liability - that will arise if these steep slopes are denuded of trees.

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Honour The Maunga
HTM's submission on the Authority's proposed Integrated Management Plan changes

Tūpuna Maunga Authority has responded to the court’s consultation requirement by publicly notifying a proposed amendment to its Integrated Management Plan - this is the Authority’s ‘big picture’ plan that guides its approach to managing all of the maunga it administers. The proposed amendment makes clear the Authority’s intention to fell the exotic trees and some native trees on the following maunga: Read our written submission and a transcript of our verbal one.

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Honour The Maunga
Have your say on the maunga trees' fates

Tūpuna Maunga Authority has begun public consultations around its intention to rid the maunga of all exotic and some native trees. It is vital as many people as possible put in submissions to save the trees by the 4 October deadline. Here are some guidelines on things your submission can cover.

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Honour The Maunga