Honour The Maunga slams culturally inappropriate comments

The tree protection group occupying Ōwairaka / Mt Albert has strongly spoken out against culturally inappropriate comments made at yesterday’s Tūpuna Maunga Authority hui.

Following consultation with tangata whenua whanau, Honour The Maunga decided to stay away from the hui.

However, some people who shared the group’s concerns about proposed the tree felling went to the hui and voiced personal opinions completely at odds with Honour The Maunga’s view.

Spokesperson Anna Radford says that Honour The Maunga has been tainted by association and wished to clarify the group’s position.

“Firstly, we do not – and have never – regarded ourselves as mana whenua.

“Furthermore, I and other members of Honour The Maunga were shocked to learn that a hui attendee had cursed members of the Authority and their descendants.

“We could never condone such unacceptable and deeply offensive behaviour.”

Radford noted that, as a grassroots organisation operating in a public place, Honour The Maunga was limited in the extent that it could control other interests from expressing their views.

“Honour The Maunga can only manage our own behaviour, and do not have authority to tell anyone else what they can and cannot say or do.

Our intent is – and has always been – to save Mt Albert’s trees and the life that they support. End of story.”

Honour The Maunga